“I Am” statements are so basic. It’s time to level up your affirmation game

If you have been standing in front of the mirror saying your “I am” statements with chest, but still aren’t within sniffing’s distance of feeling abundant, brave or joy… I feel you. 

I was the same. “Maybe it will just take a little more time”, I thought. “Perhaps if I say them louder, repeat them more often, look myself directly in the eye, say them in the morning, or in the evening or even listened to them while I slept I will get the results I want.”

To be honest, it took me a while to figure out that the way we have been taught to do affirmations is a con. 

The idea on face value makes sense. Repeating a statement over and over again until it seeps into your subconscious mind and eventually becomes your reality is more than plausible.

Our minds are constantly being programmed in one way or another. The content we consume and the way we are spoken to or speak to ourselves all combine to form belief systems that our behaviour is a direct result of. 

But I want you to answer this: how many times do you think you would have to say: “I am perspicacious” before you became perspicacious?

Do you even know what perspicacious means?

And that’s the problem with “I am” statements.

Most people repeat these affirmations without even defining or understanding concepts such as love, abundance, courage, joy etc.

Without that definition and understanding, what is your subconscious mind supposed to do with the affirmations you are feeding it? It’s almost like giving it an instruction manual for an appliance you don’t even own.  

Realising this was a game changer for me and by making a few tweaks, I was able to connect with and therefore embody my affirmations much quicker with higher results. 

Here is how levelled up my affirmations:

Write it Down: Instead of just saying your affirmations, write them down and explore your definition of what they mean. This will help you process and internalise your affirmations better.

Reflect and Rephrase: Reflect on how the affirmation makes you feel and rephrase it if needed to make it more impactful. I changed some of my affirmations to start “I know”, “I understand” etc

Create Specific Scenarios: Instead of general statements, create specific scenarios. For example, instead of "I am successful," say "I am successful in my career, achieving my goals and receiving recognition." If you have a hard time doing this, you may have a limiting belief about whether you are worthy of receiving or becoming. Once you have identified your limiting beliefs you can work on clearing them.

Multi-Sensory Approach: Engage all your senses while doing affirmations. For example, if you're affirming "I am joyful," think about what joy looks like, sounds like, feels like, and even smells or tastes like.

Breathwork and Meditation: Combine affirmations with breathwork or meditation. Start with a few deep breaths or a short meditation session to center yourself, then proceed with your affirmations.

Movement: Incorporate movement, such as yoga or walking, while saying your affirmations to help embody the feelings associated with them.

Daily Reminders: Set reminders on your phone or place sticky notes around your living space to keep your affirmations in your awareness throughout the day.

Integration into Routine: Affirmations are not just some concept outside of yourself, they should be used in the situations you are affirming. For example, if you have to give a presentation and are nervous, now is the time to repeat your “I am a confident speaker who communicates my ideas fluently and clearly” while flooding your body with the associated feelings.

By redefining your affirmations, connecting emotionally, and integrating them into your daily life in as many ways as possible, you can enhance their effectiveness and truly embody the changes you seek.

Taytula Burke

I’m an energy healing, people reading, vibe increasing kinda gal


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