Is it a soul-tie or a soul-contract? Past life regression can help you find out

Ever heard the saying: "You have to kiss a few frogs to find your Prince Charming"?

Usually, all it takes is a bit of luck and the alignment of the stars, and one of those frogs will turn into Prince Charming sweeping you off your feet and into your happily ever after.

But what happens when you keep kissing frogs, and all you get are more frogs – and maybe even warts?

Believe me when I say I know how disheartening it can be to feel like you’re trapped in a never-ending Brothers Grimm fairytale. No matter how many times you go to therapy or start a new healing journey, you just can’t seem to get your happy ending.

This is because toxic patterns in love and sex don’t just come from our childhood. They can often stretch far beyond our current lifetime.

So, if you are sick and tired of picking your life to pieces trying to find clues as to why this is happening, allow me to be your Fairy Godmother and introduce you to the magical world of past life regression. 

Past life regression uses hypnosis to go on an amazing journey into your soul’s past lives. It’s like a Netflix series for all of the lifetimes you have ever lived. Each episode holds secrets and insights into your current life, especially when it comes to how you navigate love and intimacy.

By looking into your past lives, you can uncover the reasons why you might be stuck in this cycle, heal old wounds and break free from the spell that's keeping you from finding your true prince.

Let’s say you have a pattern of attracting partners who are emotionally unavailable. During a past life regression session, you might discover a lifetime where you experienced deep emotional betrayal or abandonment. These unresolved issues can leave an imprint on your soul, causing you to unconsciously recreate similar scenarios in your current life.

These imprints are your karma. Karma isn’t just about what goes around comes around. It’s also about learning and growth.

We all come into each life with certain lessons to learn and debts to settle. These are sometimes played out in our relationships through soul-contracts—agreements we have made with other souls before we even got here to help each other grow.

I always say to my clients that maybe what they think is a soul-tie is actually a soul-contract meant to teach them about self-worth and boundaries. Recognising this can be incredibly empowering and pave the way for healing and fulfilling one of your soul’s lessons.

Transforming Toxic Patterns

Once you’ve identified where your toxic patterns come from, the next step is transformation. It’s impossible to erase the past, but you can definitely resolve your issues by integrating and healing it.

When I work with clients, we track down the life (or lives) where the issue they are currently facing stemmed from.

I then like to get them to forgive themselves and others involved in the past life experiences. This releases the emotional charge and frees them from the karmic cycle.

Next will come an energy healing session consisting of practices like Reiki, breathwork and even removing contracts and curses to release the energetic imprints of past life traumas.

After that will be a dose of hypnotherapy, tapping or affirmations to reprogram their subconscious mind so they are free to enjoy healthy and loving relationships.

Finally getting that fairytale

The ultimate goal of past life regression is to empower you to rewrite your love story.

Imagine approaching relationships with a clean slate, free from the baggage of past lives. You can attract healthier partners, set stronger boundaries, and experience a more fulfilling and authentic connection. It’s about stepping into your power and choosing love over fear.

All this happens because you were finally able to heal old wounds and release toxic patterns.

Maybe then the next frog you kiss will become your Prince Charming.

Want to explore a past life? Find out more here

Taytula Burke

I’m an energy healing, people reading, vibe increasing kinda gal

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