10 ways to unstuck yourself

Feeling stuck is the worst. It’s like trying to wade through quicksand wearing ankle weights and a straitjacket.

No matter what you do, you’re trapped in the same spot. And your career, relationship and money woes just pull you further down into the bowels of frustration and helplessness.

If you have ever been in this situation before, you know that it’s a vicious cycle. Your creativity suffers, you start to lack motivation, stress and anxiety increases and you ultimately suffer an overall decline in your wellbeing and relationships. 

With all of that going on, how the hell are you supposed to move forward?

The answer is forgetting about moving forward and instead concentrate on rising upwards. Increasing your energetic vibration is like being airlifted out of that quicksand. Once you’re back on steady and solid ground, then you can start strutting your stuff again.

Don’t know where to start? Here are some of my 10 top tips.

1. Connect with Your Breath

Breath is life. When you feel stuck, so does your breath. Notice how shallow you breathe and how tight your chest feels. Take a few minutes each day to practice deep, mindful breathing. Try this: Inhale deeply for a count of four, hold for four, and exhale for four. Repeat this cycle several times. This simple practice can instantly shift your energy and clear mental fog.

Check out this session I do with my clients to help them clear out energetic toxins though the breath.

2. Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki is a powerful tool to release blockages and restore balance. During a Reiki session, I channel healing energy into your body, clearing away stagnant energy and promoting a sense of peace and wellbeing. If you haven’t tried it yet, book a session with me and feel the difference first hand!

3. Meditate for Clarity

Meditation is like hitting the reset button on your mind. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and focus on your breath or a calming mantra. Even just 10 minutes a day can help you gain clarity, reduce stress, and unlock new insights about your situation. New to meditation and need a little guidance? Check out my mastering meditation course.

4. Get Moving

Physical movement is a great way to shake off stuck energy and let your mind know you are not trying to stay in this same place for much longer. Whether it’s yoga, dancing, or a walk in nature, getting your body moving can boost your mood and open up new pathways for inspiration and action.

5. Dive into Numerology

Sometimes, understanding the energetic patterns of your life can provide the guidance you need to move forward. Numerology, the study of numbers and their mystical significance, can offer profound insights into your personal challenges and strengths. A personalised numerology reading can reveal the unique cycles and opportunities in your life, helping you navigate your way out of stagnation.

6. Embrace Hypnotherapy

 I fell in love with hypnotherapy when I experienced how powerful it was at accessing my subconscious mind and reprogramming limiting beliefs that kept me stuck. Through guided hypnosis, you can tap into your inner resources and make positive changes at a deep level. See for yourself by booking personalised hypnotherapy sessions tailored to your specific needs and goals.

7. Journal Your Thoughts

Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be incredibly therapeutic and is extremely beneficial to your throat, heart and sacral chakras. Start a journal and let your thoughts flow without judgment. This practice can help you identify patterns, release pent-up emotions, and gain new perspectives on your situation.

8. Seek Guidance from Tarot

Tarot cards are a wonderful tool for gaining insights and guidance. They can help you see your situation from a different angle and reveal hidden influences at play. Schedule a tarot reading with me, and let’s uncover the messages the cards have for you.

9. Practice Gratitude

When you’re feeling stuck, it’s easy to focus on what’s not working. Shift your perspective by practicing gratitude. Each day, write down three things you’re grateful for. Even if it’s just the fact you woke up, had access to pen and paper, and love yourself enough to recognise that you need to make a change. This simple practice can raise your vibration and attract more positive experiences into your life.

10. Connect with Your Inner Child

Remember the carefree, curious, and creative parts of yourself? Connecting with your inner child can help you rediscover joy and spontaneity. Engage in activities you loved as a child – drawing, playing games, or simply daydreaming. This can help unlock new creative energy and remind you of your innate wisdom and potential. 

It’s natural to feel stuck from time to time, but it doesn’t have to be your consistent mode of being.

By integrating these tips into your daily life, you can clear away the blockages, reconnect with your true self, and start moving forward with renewed energy and purpose.

Taytula Burke

I’m an energy healing, people reading, vibe increasing kinda gal


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